Saturday, November 28, 2009


Yesterday evening went to my aunty's hse...den play with her doggy...her dog damn CUTE!!! Den overnight at her hse...I maybe happy fits of overzealous so forgot dat 2moro(means 2day)have cheer practice!!!!!OMG..!!!!2day 7 sumthing woke up..7 45 lyk dat Yu Wen sms me...OMG WAT THE HELL!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I really forgot the cheerleaders practice today,my God! ! For such an important thing i oso forgot...
Forget it..Den i call Yu Wen to help me with the cheerleader that I could not attend today's cheerleaders practice lor...Otherwise, wat can i do?
Den went out for my breakfast wif my aunty n my grandma...den went back to my aunty's hse...
Den I help her dog showers...bla bla bla...den watch tv lor...and i ate alot of FOOD..yummy..*Thumbs up*
5 sumthing lyk dat i took a nap...bla bla bla..den went out for my dinner with my cousins...
After dat i went back to my own hse...yay..finally...
lol...dats all 4 2day..bye...^^

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