Friday, October 16, 2009

In 1U

Woohoo..exam is finally OVER O-V-E-R...
ok well, sejarah is damn fucking hard weih..Especially the subjective part..walao
last friday went to 1U with xin wei,jean-nie and michelle...den still got two more going with us but they are jean-nie's friend..samantha and emilia>>lan c
First,i go to jean-nie's hse 1st..saw michelle there...
den i mai go inside lor...den me n michelle sat in the living room without switch on the fan..den we wait for jean-nie's mother come back..coz her mom fetch us go that time,me n ee jiun were sms-ing..
duno wat time adi..jean-nie's mom finally came back...den we mai go 1U lor...
reached 1U den we go to the cinema...discuss want to watch which movie..where got ghost or G-Force?? Our "conclusion" were 3D G-Force..RM16 per adult...den we called xin wei n asked her where was she now...den she said on the way..den we wait lor...few minutes later...we called her again..den she said she reached we mai asked her where is she now..den she said dunno...(swt)...den we asked her wat are the shops dat near to her..she said "duess" den we mai go check the map lor...but no such shop...den we called her again...den she said she is at parkson adi wor..den we mai go parkson lor...reached parkson..asked her in which department..she said sell toy bear..den we oso near that depatrment and finally we found her...
our movie is 1pm..still got time so we mai go Neway there sing k lor...jean-nie belanja us...Thx jean-nie!
before we left Neway we went to the toilet n took we go watch movie lor...
watch finished the movie den we go hang gai...went into a shop n bought jean-nie n yu wen a birthday present...we went to secret recipe n bought xin wei's mom a birthday cake...michelle paid for it...
i think 5 something lyk dat..we called jean-nie's mom come n fetch us back...while waiting for jean-nie's mom, we went to arket n play...after dat we went cinema there buy wei spent RM6 for 6 balls...michelle want the transparent 1,but no one got sad
well..just until here...need sleep le..byez...sweet dreams..ZzZZzzz

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