Tuesday, September 1, 2009


ok,well...i went to Malacca for 5 days...ate lots of food there...yummy
went lots of place there too...we went to A'Famosa, Night Safari, Bee Farm, Malacca Tower, Red House, Jongker Street, Portuggis Street n lots more....
We ate the mee rebus beside the cementary...cool leh...lol
finally holiday is over..woohoo... i can see him adi...miss him too much...n my frens too...espeacialy Ee Jiun n Jean-nie...luv them too much
2 day nt much h/w...so need to study...wanna get top 3 in class on this term...gambateh...Jean-nie too..she wanna get top 5...so we promise each other to study hard n pay fully attention in class...GAMBATEH

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