Monday, August 24, 2009

love is blind

I want back to normal !! But i can't...i can't returns back...i can't control wat i am doing now...i oso don't noe wat i am doing now...i can't stop doing dat...i can't change my attitude..i can't stop saying a single bad words...maybe..the one hu can change me, is just ME, myself...i tried to smile everyday, i tried to concentrate in the class, i tried to be a good girl, i tried to not saying any single bad words again...i tried to change my attitude...i tried to not doing something bad...i had tried a lot...but i can't...or maybe the one hu can change me is u...i love u so much, i miss u so much, i even thinking of u every single seconds, i felt so jealous when u r with another girl, talking wif another girl, walk together wif another girl, eat together wif another's so hurt to me when i saw it n i reli needs u...hope u'll noe dat i'm mentioning u..

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